Well it's 2021 now. Quite a bit of stuff has happened to the house since my last update - we've finished the hall, landing and stairs, we did our bedroom and we have a building site in the whisky room which is a work in progress.
Christmas has been and gone and I'm feeling a bit sad that it's all over, not quite sure what we are supposed to look forwards to next with covid shit hitting the fan again. It was lovely to have Christmas in a nice house though. It's not all finished yet but it's done enough to be able to potter round in slippers enjoying nice rooms and after two renovations that is something I will never take for granted.
I'm going to try to update my page things for the rooms that we've done
House Plans for 2021..... Well. We have the whisky room to finish. We bashed down the ceiling and took out alllll the fake beams in there. Then re-boarded the ceiling. We also removed the stone fireplace and cupboard since that wasn't original (1996 according to the newspaper we found stuffed inside the stonework). The only bit of this I was sad to lose were the polished flags that were on top of the cupboard in the recess but we are using those for the new hearth so it's all good with that. We have a wood burner going in hopefully end of January. We discovered an old lintel high up above the existing fireplace so we're opening it right up again to the height of the lintel. After the fire is in the plasterer will come back to do three of the four walls, we'll get a big area rug for the flood and bobs your uncle that room will be done. Here's what it looks like now:
We will also spend this year debating (but not doing) the perpetual headache of how to tackle the bathrooms and how to make the garden more private and practical. We want to build the other half of the wall at the front but probably won't get round to it. I want to make the house look for appealing by cleaning it and getting the rest of the peeling paint off the window surrounds but we probably won't get round to that either. These are both jobs I would love to pay someone to do to speed things up but will ultimately probably end up doing ourselves in about 10 years time.That's about all for now. I'm feeling a bit dejected post-Christmas and also feel like the whole place needs a right good spring clean and sort out as we seem to be up to our eyeballs in clutter. Hopefully by this time tomorrow at least that bit will be done!