2024 has arrived! I wanted a year completely off the house to go for walks and do nice things, but it looks like that might have been a bit of a pipe dream. There are just so many things still irking us, and unfortunately they are ALL connected.

We had our first Christmas in the newly open plan half of the house and it was super. We had all the family for the weekend and it was great being able to fit a big long table for 14 people down the room. It was also a really great space for our New Years Party, playing games, not having to go far to get more bucks fizz from the fridge, and just generally awesome really. This has been one of our better ideas.

Was going to put in a nice picture here of the room at Christmas but just realised we didn't take one, Here's a boring non-Christmas one instead.

The current headache is... we hate the stone floor and would love to remove that as the next job, but we can't remove the floor before we've removed the chimney breast, but we can't remove the chimney breast without replacing TWO bathrooms. And if you add up the cost of doing all those jobs it's probably about £25-30k. So we either have to do all of it, or none of it.

But we can't really do none of it because we have a slow leak coming through from under our shower that we can't really ignore for much longer as we keep getting dripped on while we're eating tea. We also have trippy floor where the two rooms are joined by a ridge of pointy stone which is the remains of the very last course of mega-stones from the wall we took out. So really we do need to do all of it. Gahhh.

We also still want to sort out the front wall in 2024. Will it happen? Probably not.