Spare Room

This room was a walk-in wardrobe when we moved in, and caused a really big dilemma. Clearly a lot of money had been spent on this wardrobe lined room with built-in lighting and diamante door knobs and it was probably less than 2 years old. It was really excellent storage and I could have fully been on board with having a full storage room long term. Ripping it out seemed like a really major shame but we really wanted a spare bedroom. 

We stood in that room for hours and hours discussing every which way we could potentially re-format to keep some of the wardrobes and also fit a spare bed in but in the end there was just no option that wouldn't look half-arsed and weird. So we bit the bullet and took them all out apart from one little bit in the corner. And now we have done it it was definitely the right thing to do. Perfect little guest room.

Again this is a room where we've done quite a good job on the basics but can't seem to add the final flourish.